You will at times lose money in your investing career, and this is your educational fee, your tuition for the school of asset management. It is the consequence of direct practice and executing real decisions, with stakes on the table. There is no way around this process for building maturity and character for yourself. Nobody can tell you how to do it, how to pick winners and avoid losers, or how to discipline your actions and emotions in this field. It is a lone journey where the masses will steer you wrong, fear and greed will get the better of you, and the real seasoned veterans in the art of asset acquisition, growth, and protection, will have little to say. Beware those who have great opinions and systems to espouse, as those will be biased and based on luck, at best. The real challenges to overcome have always been taxes, inflation, and the internal battle of emotional investing.
Today, you can learn to invest wisely and prudently with the many global opportunities available, regardless of the current size of your assets. It begins with small and consistent steps, preferably as early as possible.
It doesn’t matter what you choose to invest in. Who am I to tell you? But be warned that YOU will be there, calling the shots. The market, the industry, the players, all those will pale in comparison to the influence you will bring to bear on your success or your failure in the space. Whether or not you combine traditional asset classes and diversify, or buy a little tea house in the Himalayas, or start a remote online business to enable you to roam different spaces while building your commercial footprint, you will need to read. A lot. Content creators will not give you a comprehensive view of where to invest your hard-earned assets. You will need to source and ingest relevant and timely information, data, and insights, if you have a chance of succeeding proactively in any business.
If you suspect that you do not manage businesses well, but you have the ideas, insights, and capital available to contribute to the business world in your own way, then you should fit in where it is the best fit! Not everyone is a manager, entrepreneur, founder, CEO, or a great accountant. Some of us simply don’t want the stress or commitment of shouldering everything a business entails, but this does not exclude us from the benefits and experiences that being involved in business can add to our lives. Beware whose advice you listen to, and be judicious dispensing it too, but most of all, have fun and learn how to navigate this exciting landscape in a responsible and rewarding way. Learn, grow, collaborate, and profit! Most of all, never stop asking the right questions of the right people. Learn from your own mistakes and the mistakes of others, and you will fare well in your journey of self-actualization.